Tag Archives: core

Wow, These Firefighters Rescued the Most Unlikely Animal in Need!

At the core of every firefighter is a good, kind heart. Every day they risk their lives for those in need. So you can imagine the surprise when one station was brought an injured, ill baby owl! The EMS workers were shocked. They weren t used to treating tiny creatures like this, but the fuzzy little guy was struggling to hold on to life. So, they knew they had to try! Here are some adorable photos they shared: The firefighter who shared these images believes that the baby owl fell through a chimney in an abandoned house. You can see just how tiny he is! After treatment, the firefighters started showing the little baby owl some attention, and he began to perk up! Soon, the little guy started to grow bigger! The owl seemed ever grateful, but the firefighters knew he would have to go back into the wild once he was healthy. So they waited patiently, and the owl s health grew stronger day by day, thanks to their kind hearts! These men are true heroes because they save all kinds of lives ev