Tag Archives: idea

This Clever Idea Helps Feed Stray Dogs by Recycling Plastic Bottles. Truly Amazing!

While the cause of overpopulation of stray dogs is debatable, we do know it s a problem. Thousands of stray dogs roam the streets scrounging for food all over the world. Many are sick and need care, while others are picked up or fed by kind strangers. Thankfully, not everyone is sitting back and letting this problem grow. Pugedon, a Turkish company, is taking action to help people and animals at the same time. The idea they came up with is brilliant. Homeless dogs are becoming a growing problem in Istanbul. The city is filled with these poor animals who don t have anywhere to go. So Pugedon came up with a recycling bin that allows people to pour their unused water out before recycling the plastic bottle. The water is then rerouted into small bowls at the bottom for stray dogs to drink. Now, the machine also provides dog food. After the person recycles the plastic bottle, a small amount of dog kibbles is dispensed into another bowl at the bottom of the machine. The plastic bottle that